Designed for use as a preliminary and final power amplifier in ultra-wideband communication and radar systems.
BPA-12 includes:
built-in secondary power supply (the ability to power low-power external devices);
thermally compensated envelope detector (for the AGC system) at the noise output;
digital attenuator (6-bit) at the input of the NOISE with an adjustment range of more than 30dB;
built-in overheat protection with power supply interlock and 2 ºС hysteresis.
BPA-12 provides:
the ability to lock the noise input by at least 60dB in a time of no more than 100ns;
generalized monitoring of readiness with the issuance of a signal "accident".

frequency range................…......……………….................. .... X range;
output power level at R-1, dBm (W), not less than .... 41 (12);
gain, dB, not less than …………………........................................... 40;
VSWR I / O, not more than ……….............… ......... .............. ... 2,0;
supply voltage, V ± 10% …………………………….............. ........ ... 27;
current consumption, A, not more than ………........ ...... ... .... 6;
range of working temperatures, ºС ............................-60…+80;
overall dimensions, mm, no more ......... .... ... ... 180x140x50;
weight, kg, no more ............................. .........................................1